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ramana maharshi | who am I? | guru | self-enquiry | spiritual instruction | wisdom | words | silence | daily talks | reality | padam - formless self | arunachala
abide in the self | upadesa tiruvahaval | annamalai swami | self alone is real | swami rama tirtha | real self | i am that | practical freedom | sun of self
h.w.l. poonja | freedom now | remembering | meeting ramana | who is aware of consciousness? | who are you? | words | no practice | final abode | lion's roar
eternal rest | peace is always everywhere | plunge into eternity | i am eternal self | summa iru | wisdom | here and now in lucknow | reject everything
ma anandamayi | words | old tcheng | sayings | siddharameshwar maharaj | beyond nothing | perfection of material science | master key | non-action | self
nisargadatta maharaj | words | a great maharashtrian jnani | self-knowledge and self-realisation | meet the sage | detachment | awareness | who am I?
life | "i am" | all is a dream | guru and disciple | ranjit maharaj | meeting siddharameshwar | everything is nothing | forget everything | death is not true
real and unreal | u.g. krishnamurti | natural state | words | remembering | no separation | nothing to understand | chief joseph | way of the warrior
advaita | vedanta | devikalottara | supreme wisdom | atma sakshatkar | direct awareness of the self | vichara mani mala | jewel garland of enquiry
avadhuta gita | ever-free | ashtavakra gita | purest expression of truth | ribhu gita | heart | wisdom | bhagavad gita | essence | the song celestial
adi shankaracharya | atma bodha | aparokshanubhuti | dakshinamurti strotram | dasasloki | nirvana shatkam | drik drisya viveka | vivekachudamani
seng tsan | faith mind | gaudapada | mandukya karika | katha upanishad | death as teacher | yoga vasistha | dispassion | seeker's behaviour | essence
ramakant maharaj | reality has nothing to do with words | lama guendune rinpoché | free and easy | ellam ondre | all is one | william samuel | now



Let there be peace and love among all beings of the universe. OM Shanti, Shanti, Shanti.

HE  true base of the term "I" is not the mind, intellect, ego or perception; nor is It the sense of hearing, taste, smell or sight; nor is It the sky, earth, fir or air. It is "I" that is of the form of Shiva, the essence of knowledge and beautitude.

2. It is not what is called vital breath [prana], nor is It the five vital forces. It is not the seven elements of the body, neither is It the five sheaths forming the body. It is not the organ of speech, hand, foot the organ of procreation or excretion. It is "I" that is of the form of Shiva, the essence of knowledge and beautitude.

3. The true "I" is not endowed with hatred or affection, nor has It greed or infatuation. It is bereft of pride and the feeling of rivalry. Neither is It the goal of ordinary men, like duty, money, or sense life; nor is It even liberation, coveted by people of great merits. It is "I" that is of the form of Shiva, the essence of knowledge and beautitude.

4. The true "I" does not gain anything by meritorious deeds nor does It lose anything by evil deeds; It has neither happiness nor sorrow. It is not attained by holy chants of mystic power or by pilgrimage; nor is It gained by the study of Vedas or the performance of Vedic sacrifices. It is not the act of taking food, the articles of food or the agent who eats. It is "I" that is of the form of Shiva, the essence of knowledge and beautitude.

5. The true "I" has no death or doubt; nor has It any difference in species. It has no father nor mother, for it is Unborn. It has no friend or relative; It is neither Guru nor disciple. It is "I" that is of the form of Shiva, the essence of knowledge and beautitude.

6. The true "I" is without any modification and it is formless. Being all-pervading, It exists everywhere. Being unattached to sense objects, It has no release [liberation] to be achieved. It is not an object of knowledge. It is "I" that is of the form of Shiva, the essence of knowledge and beautitude.

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